The temperatures in South Carolina can be hot and sticky during the summer months. The air conditioning unit must be working. If a person is having trouble with their cooling system, they should contact an AC repair company in Easley, SC like Air Today Heating & Cooling to help with this issue.

Air conditioning doesn’t just keep you cool — it also improves indoor air quality and helps protect the health and wellness of your family year round. In South Carolina , where heat and humidity are facts of life, a malfunctioning AC system is no mere inconvenience.

With our experienced team, Air Today Heating & Cooling is here to handle all of your air conditioning repairs in Easley quickly and efficiently. You can trust that we’ll make your family’s comfort our top priority.

Is your air conditioner making an odd rattling noise? If so, you shouldn’t waste your time trying to guess what it could mean. At Air Today Heating & Cooling, our Easley AC repair technicians have the knowledge and experience to diagnose your AC issue quickly and correctly. When you contact us for air conditioning repair, we will check each and every system component, including compressors, cooling coils, ductwork and refrigerant levels. Once our inspection is complete, we will give you a detailed report of our findings before taking any action. Our promise is to fix the problem right the first time with minimal disruption to your family’s routine.

Additionally, Air Today Heating & Cooling has the  AC repair team strives to help you save money throughout the year. With our annual AC maintenance agreements, you can correct problems in their early stages when repairs are less expensive. If you do need a new unit, you can rest assured that Air Today will help you pick a system that’s both effective and energy efficient. As an EPA-certified company, we offer a full range of Energy Star products that can offer enhanced comfort while reducing your monthly electric bills.

Something we see time and again throughout Easley is repeat calls to homes where generic HVAC units are installed. It’s why we began selling top manufacturers for over 30 years. If you install a good system, you’ll get good results, and there’s no question we sell the best air conditioners and heating units. Each model we sell to homes or businesses is perfectly suited to the conditions in South Carolina, meaning you’ll escape many of the common issues that plague HVAC equipment here.

We also have the experience needed to help you select the appropriate size of air conditioner for your property. With proper unit selection and installation, you’ll be able to enjoy a comfortable and controlled environment for years to come. And when a replacement or repair is needed, you know you can always count on Air Today Heating & Cooling to deliver fast and affordable solutions.

For the best AC repair in Easley, look no further than Air Today Heating & Cooling. With multiple service plans aimed at providing top-rate residential maintenance, we keep your property comfortable and your costs low. And with our team waiting to roll out to your destination, we’re the top source for HVAC repair in Easley.

Keep your family cool and comfortable year round! Contact Air Today Heating & Cooling as soon as you have a heating or cooling problem.

If the air conditioning unit is experiencing some issues then it is wise to call an AC repair person. Warm air is a big indication that there is a problem with the air conditioner. If the system is not producing cold air it should be examined by a professional.

  • Poor air circulation is another problem. if the system is producing cold air but it is not efficient then a repair may be needed. If there are areas of the home that are hot and others are cold then the air conditioner is not working properly. 
  • There may also be a problem with the thermostat. If the thermostat is not working properly then the air conditioner will not be able to tell the temperature of the room so that it produces the correct amount of cool air. If it cannot do this then the unit will not be able to work properly.
  • Another common issue with the air conditioning unit is that it may be giving off a foul odor or making strange sounds. This can be a sign that something serious is wrong. The unit should not make unexpected noises and it should not be putting out a small. This is a time to get it looked at right away.

These are some common issues with the air conditioning unit that a person may experience. If they have these or other issues they should give an AC repair company in Easley, SC a call like Air Today Heating & Cooling right away to address the issue.

Call an HVAC repair company

The first thing you need to do is call a professional. The best thing you can do to get your air conditioner back in order is to call an expert. Companies like Air Today Heating & Cooling are experts at their jobs and know what they’re doing, so you know that your unit will be serviced properly. They also know how to repair nearly any air conditioning problem and make sure it’s done quickly with no hassles or worries.

Have your unit inspected

It’s never too early to have your air conditioner inspected. The inspection will show you if there are any issues with the unit and what maintenance needs to be done for it to continue working properly. Even though the unit may seem to be working fine, it’s still important to have it checked out by an experienced professional regularly.

Do some research

First and foremost, you should do your research. This will help you determine what you need to fix and how much it will cost. It will also allow you to discover any potential problems that could arise if your system is not maintained properly. You’ll be able to take the appropriate preventative steps to avoid a breakdown or repair in the future.

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Greenville HVAC Technician Diagnosing AC Unit. If you need your AC or heating system repaired or replaced, contact the Greenville HVAC company Air Today Heating & Cooling

The best way to keep your A/C unit in good shape is by following these five tips. A/C units can be costly investments, so taking care of them properly will help you save money. Repair companies are reliable and cost-effective, so don’t try to fix it yourself; just call them instead. And by having your unit inspected, you’ll know if it’s still in the best shape possible.

With the hot summers in the Easley area, it is never a good thing when you come home expecting to find a cool, comfortable house and are hit with a wall of heat instead. Air conditioning problems are frustrating, but the good news is that there is help here in Easley.

With more than 45 years of professional HVAC experience, our certified technicians at Air Today Heating & Cooling can help get your air conditioner quickly back up and running. We offer air conditioning repair throughout the Anderson, Easley, Clemson, and Piedmont areas. 

Your air conditioner will give you signs that there are problems brewing that will require repairs in the near future. These signs may come individually, or more commonly, as part of a cluster of issues that you can’t ignore. When you notice any of the following, it’s advisable to schedule a service call to identify the specific problem and correct it before further damage to your system occurs.

  • Insufficient airflow can indicate blockages within the ductwork, broken motors, lack of refrigerant, etc.
  • Frequent cycling is often caused by insufficiently sized air conditioners, but it can also be because of damaged thermostats or electrical faults.
  • High humidity within the home can be due to an oversized air conditioner or problems with the coils that cause them to freeze up and cease functioning.
  • Pooling water or refrigerant around the air conditioner can occur for many reasons. The most common is because of leaks within the coils.
  • Noxious odors can indicate the growth of microbial growth in the system.
  • Bangs, clangs, clicks, and clacks are often caused by malfunctioning blower motors, damaged fan blades, or loose components that shake, rattle, and roll when they should be silent.
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