Top 5 HVAC Myths Debunked

People often hear myths about heating and cooling systems, but don’t always know the truth behind them. If you want to make sure your HVAC system is running efficiently and safely, it’s important to know what’s true — and what’s not. To help set the record straight, the team at Air Today Heating & Cooling put together 5 of the most common HVAC myths, debunked.

Myth 1: Keeping your thermostat at a lower temperature will cool your home faster.

Fact: The air conditioner runs at a constant speed, no matter how low you set the temperature, so there’s no short cut to get cooler air faster.

Myth 2: You need to replace your filter every month.

Fact: Your filter should be replaced when it becomes clogged or dirty — usually about every three months or longer depending on air quality in your home. Keep an eye out for dust buildup and look for changes in air flow coming through the vents as indicators that it’s time to replace your filter.

Myth 3: Running ceiling fans makes rooms cooler.

Fact: Ceiling fans don’t actually cool rooms; they just circulate the air around more quickly, making it seem cooler because of a draft they create rather than by lowering the actual room temperature. They can be great supplement to your heating and cooling system by helping redistribute cooled or heated air more effectively throughout the room.

Myth 4: A bigger HVAC unit is better quick fixes to cooling problems

Fact: It’s not just about size when it comes to HVAC systems — proper maintenance is also essential for efficient operation as well as addressing individual areas within a home or space specifically needing attention rather than “throwing money at a big unit”. In addition, improvements like reflective roofing materials can reduce solar heat gain effects on some buildings and improving insulation can help reduce cooling loads overall.

Myth 5: Closing off vents in unused rooms saves energy

Fact: Reducing airflow in one area may cause overworking of other areas resulting in greater energy consumption than if all vents were open since closing vents reduces efficient airflow balance causing other parts of house (e.g., bedroom) having higher temperatures and take longer to cool down (the same applies to winter). Simply put – leaving all vents open allows even distribution of conditioned air and even temperatures throughout house without wasting energy on overworking some parts of HVAC system while ignoring others.

And many more! Knowing these facts can help ensure that you purchase the right system for optimal efficiency and effectiveness, maintain it properly over its lifespan – all while keeping those pesky myths at bay!

Want to hear more HVAC myths debunked? Watch the video below!

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